Aye! Barbed wilder.
whos munguia
@Munguia. Unfortunately: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1450789
He was a good dude. Drew street murals; did a lot of community work where he lived. And made plenty of games here on NG, enlightening people as the finer aspects of art and shizzle.
gothic af. also the description is confusing me
Mmm I imagine I'm more in tune with the imagery when I write these... the points that I can explain:
- Drips of looming dystopia: Referring to the pointed teeth in the image, that almost seem like they're dripping down. And maybe the symbolism overall of a skull; the evil ways it portrays.
- Strip the gloam and it woke m up. Live a bit and don't choke too much: Playing on the looming dystopia, on how gloamy and hopeless it feels, get rid of that and I wake up and come to life again. Breath. Don't get stuck in that state of mind.
- Bespoke is tux, but in the manual: it says that I'm an animal: Playing on social hierarchies and norms, that we're told to dress up, and a certain way, yet in the end we're all just animals. Though the clothes seem to set us apart from other species, we're really no more civilized than they are. We kill and exploit and tear up the world just the same - even more. We live with an illusion of mannerisms and ways that seem to say we're civilized, but in the manual - not sure if that might refer to a holy book, or encyclopedia, or just origins and all - we're not that special.
That last bit might've been playing on the imagery too. Savage like an animal.
I'm not sure if I'm explaining this as originally intended or if these are just the parralels I draw today though. XD Maybe that was it, maybe more, maybe not at all as thought out initially...
eye of death
It does seem to be one that sees all... black and empty as the void of plenty.
fuck disney, but i love their classic movies. disneyland still looks fun
Out of all their classic movies I’ve seen I enjoyed all of them. Their last 2D animated film was in 2011 “Whinnie the Pooh”. I’ve seen a good bit of their classics and pretty much have all the songs memorized. I’ve never been to Disneyland, just Disney World. Everyone here is talking about Disney but nobody has said anything about Warner Bros. yet.
Yes, I thought the curses should make the victim look a bit “sick”. A little bit much
why are ur mondters so pretty
because I can. No, I don't really have a clue why I make my monsters a bit pretty... maybe because there are already enough ugly monsters?
insomnia curer
yes, although with the spell you may be able to sleep for days (if you're unlucky)
I'm glad if you like it
miracle machine but if he was an emo girl with 300 mental issues
2:51 ─────ㅇ─── 3:47 ✰
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
grim reaper/platypus
the pits of hell
Joined on 12/28/20