naked tom
naked tom
i see yo mama
harmony is about to jump off the screen and stab someone
Nah, she's too classy to use a knife. She may bite someone or claw someone to death.
whats dis ranbow thing?
Back when I was trying to sell NFTs I was trying to advertise them in a way that some people hate NFTs for various reasons. That way even if they hate them, they'd get a good laugh. The rainbow thing was an abstract Art NFT I was trying to sell and I thought it'd be funny to reference They Live.
2006 vibez
kirby 02
holy crap
True that! The game the brain playin' all the same
kawaii nine inch nails
miracle machine but if he was an emo girl with 300 mental issues
2:51 ─────ㅇ─── 3:47 ✰
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
grim reaper/platypus
the pits of hell
Joined on 12/28/20