some plans, changes, and ideas i have:
-a silly game like pico vs bear where you are ordered by some pissed mad scientist to take out a gang of trolls and stalkers. the format is like a point-and-click shoot up game. there are bonus rounds where you can take them out like a duck shoot carnival game. meant to be silly in nature.
-a game like deepak fights robots, evangelion, and eddsworld mixed. you are a girl named kassandra who has to save her best friend anastasia from aliens who kidnapped her. you have to get a bunch of music notes and items on your way, while fighting aliens trying to kill you. you fight multiple bosses (around 4-7) who get more eldritch/surreal when you progress. (silly saturday morning cartoon villain at boss 1, angelic fire being at bboss 4.)
-changing some usernames to a name i'm interested in, without numbers at the end.
-a lot more backgrounds and such, especially rooms.
can't wait to see them