My mother views my as a fucking child. she always wants me to stay in her room because she wants “me to be with family” but gives zero justification. she always says “what you watchin/stop looking at negative shit.” she hates it when i get actually cute clothes because they look “slutty” “embarassing” “bringing shame to south asian neighbors” holy shit the only people who care about me looking “slutty” would be creeps and pedophilles. i am not responsible if a creep was to touch my boobs/butt. i would smack them in the nuts and run like sonic. if your south asian like me has this happened to you from a parent?
my sister starts fights for me for random shit. she also has done some pretty bad shit to me physically (not beating me with a belt or sexual abuse, but more like school bully shit). i still love her because she got me out of manipulation and abuse from my aunt sandra (not her real name) but still. i cant excuse her crazy behaviour.
aunt sandra commonly calls me a fat bitch or a “stupid” child. she thinks insulting kids and harassing them is “therapuetic” she even stated she wants to seperate her son from the real world due to it being “dangerous”. her husbands a nice guy but he agrees with that concept. i was sheltered from the world and i feel isolated like some fucking fregley from wimpy kid ass.
i wanna fucking die 💔💔💔💔
edit: i’m doing better than before, but i still am really upset.
My mom doesn’t trust me Driving and living in my own house